Indigenous Bio-Medical Specialists Fellows and Staff
If you are looking for Remedies to a health crisis, general improvement of health accelerated programs in Psycho-somatics, The Biological modality for building extra sensory perception modalities, Real Non heterotrophic seeds and seeds technologies, answers to questions on Aboriginal Bio-Medical, Astro-Magnetic and other types of new cutting edge information you have arrived at the right place. AMA specializes in an expanded view of Bio-Medicine Healing and health that reaches far into the Past and Far into the future to bring that to you NOW.
Dr Amaru Namaa Taga Xi-Ali
Dr Ali Muhammad is the founder of AMA (Aboriginal Medical Association) and the ARNA Ministry of Health. He is the developer of the Bio-Cosmology Diagnostic System which caters to non-invasive diagnostics of Indigenous Peoples. Dr Muhammad is also the founder of the phototrophic cell concept which details the ability to remove any disease state. In 2009 Dr Muhammad authored the Aboriginal Bio-Health Manual and Level 1 Course Certification. This Certification is now available to nationals outside of the ARNA jurisdiction. In Dr Muhammads newest Bio-Cosmology Book Star Prophecy he details the current Geo-Magnetc impact our new Binary Solar System and its impact upon human biologies.