Indigenous Bio-medical studies & Reports
Indigenous Bio-Medical Studies have 2 objectives. the first is proper classification based on our Bio-Variance model. The bio-variance model classifies people by different energy and biological types. We use traditional indigenous models to complete this task. Bio-Variance also means classifying into Astro-Magnetic Models and Biological pathology models using bio-cosmology, meaning we can use charting to specifically diagnose each person by birthdate and potential energetic and biological deficiencies. Astro-Magnetics allows us to understand how the polypeptide framework of a body is built based on Celestial positions of orbs that have Gravitational impact on a new born. This energetic template stays with us our entire life and can be read. The magnetic influences impacted and impact the growth development of the tissues of the client throughout their lifetime and is coupled with the behaviors of the person, including levels of stress or nonusers nutritional activity exercise an lifestyle. Biological pathology allows us to understand blood make-up genetic make up and L body ionic make-up and do full body and psychological assessments. Using these two methods we can then chart how to proceed with treatment for the individualOur Studies Diagnostics and labwork are top of the line noninasive and guarantee Bio-integrity.